- What is Machine Translation literacy? Using an MT tool may be easy, but using it critically requires some thought. Thinking about if, when, why and how to use MT is part of what we call "MT literacy". Basically, it`s about being an informed and critical user of this technology and not someone who just copies, pastes and clicks. Want to know more? We have the right thing for you!
- DTT-Förderpreis 2024/2025: Applications now open! The German Terminology Day e.V. sponsorship award for outstanding achievements in the field of terminology science and terminology work.
- ChatGPT, BArd & co. Professional tips - How ChatGPT, Bard and co. can help you at work, what you should look out for when prompting and important links on the topic. Here are the most important AI facts for your professional life.
Übersetzen im Wandel: Wie Technologisierung, Automatisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz das Übersetzen verändern This volume examines the extensive changes in the field of translation that are driven by modern technologies. It also provides a comprehensive overview of current trends and developments in the language industry and translator training. Specialist information is presented both from industry and academia as well as the technological challenges facing the translation profession today.
Membership of the European Master's of Translation (EMT) network After a thorough review, the application submitted by the ASTT team was approved in June 2024. This means that the Master`s degree course in Translation at the Faculty 06 of Translation, Linguistics and Cultural Studies in Germersheim is an official member of the EMT network for the period 2024-2029.
DataLit The DataLit project, based at the Institute for Translation and Multilingual Communication (ITMK) at TH Köln, provides didactic resources for teaching data literacy in its machine translation-specific form of professional MT skills to students of translation/technical communication courses at BA and MA level. The aim is for students working with these resources to develop appropriate data and MT skills for their future careers, while becoming data literate citizens well equipped for the modern knowledge economy.
WIPO-Pearl The ASTT and WIPO collaborated to create terminological entries for the WIPO Pearl database as part of a course. These entries were made available on September 27, 2023. Over 245,000 terms with 440 multilingual terminology entries and over 1,000 terms created by students from various universities and validated by WIPO-PCT language experts are now included in the updated version of the database.
JOGU-StINe Courses offered by the ASTT department in the winter semester 2018/2019: technical editing, risk management in translation, software localization, translation memory systems, terminology management etc.
Whereabouts Study Occupational Fields and Perspectives for Translators and Interpreters: A Study on the Whereabouts of Graduates of the FTSK Germersheim
eCoLoTrain-Projekt New version online now: eCoLoTrain offers online learning materials for teachers, students and professional translators in the field of translation and localization. The website has been transformed by students of ASTT and is therefore maintained.
- Software at ASTT Information on the use of software for translators and technical writers (Across, Congree, memoQ, MemSource, SDL MultiTerm, Passolo, Trados Studio etc.)
JOGU-StINe Courses offered by the ASTT department in the winter semester 2018/2019: technical editing, risk management in translation, software localization, translation memory systems, terminology management etc.
Technische Redaktion und Dokumentation Hauptseminar: Technische Redaktion und Dokumentation aus der Perspektive von ÜbersetzerInnen und DolmetscherInnen
Risikomanagement Hauptseminar: Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen...Qualitäts- und Risikomanagement für Übersetzungen
- Softwarelokalisierung Übung: Wie werden Menüs, Dialogfenster, Warn- und Fehlermeldungen sowie die Online-Hilfe einer Software übersetzt?
Qualitätssicherung Übung: Korrekturlesen, Revision, Lektorat - Qualitätssicherung von Übersetzungen in der Praxis
In order to significantly support the career orientation for students of the Faculty 06 - Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies, the department "General and Applied Linguistics/ Translation Technology (ASTT)" started hosting a lecture series in the summer semester of 2016. The lecture series specifically addresses requirements for students starting out in a career as well as career opportunities for the faculty’s graduates. Continue reading