Membership of the "European Master’s of Translation" (EMT) network

tekom Jahrestagung 2024 (Quelle:
In September 2023, the European Union launched a call for applications for membership of the "European Master's of Translation" (EMT) network. The EMT network is a partnership project between the European Commission and higher education institutions that offer Master's degree programs in translation.

The EMT label is a certification for Master's degree programs in translation. The Directorate-General for Translation awards this label to higher education programs that meet jointly agreed professional standards and market requirements.

The selected programs become members of the EMT network. Only universities belonging to the EMT network are entitled to use the EMT label (a registered EU trademark).

A team led by Prof. Dr. Christoph Rösener (Department of General and Applied Linguistics and Translation Technology (ASTT)) prepared the application and submitted the application for the Master's degree course in Translation with a total of four specializations (1. Specialist Interpreting - Social, Medical, Legal, 2. Specialist Translation, Language Management and Artificial Intelligence, 3. Conference Interpreting, 4. Translation - Literature, Media, Culture) in December. The application was approved in June 2024 after a thorough review. For the period 2024-2029, the Master's degree program Translation of the Faculty 06 Translation, Linguistics and Cultural Studies in Germersheim is thus an official member of the "European Master's of Translation" network.

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