
tekom Jahrestagung 2023

It's almost time for Europe's largest conference for technical communication: The tekom annual conference will take place at the ICS of Messe Stuttgart from November 5 to 7, 2024.

At the world's largest industry event with the parallel tcworld conference and tekom trade fair, everything to do with technical communication is on offer - and much more!

The complete program is available here.

The conference offers students and graduates in particular the opportunity to gain knowledge, acquire skills, gain new ideas, discuss topics and make contacts. The careerHUB provides many opportunities to gain professional orientation, write a thesis in cooperation with a company or even find a permanent position.

Admission to the trade fair is free for students, as long as they have a tekom membership (free registration). Students can also purchase discounted tickets to the conference.

More information about the conference and the ticket store can be found here.

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Membership of the "European Master’s of Translation" (EMT) network

tekom Jahrestagung 2024 (Quelle:
In September 2023, the European Union launched a call for applications for membership of the "European Master's of Translation" (EMT) network. The EMT network is a partnership project between the European Commission and higher education institutions that offer Master's degree programs in translation.

The EMT label is a certification for Master's degree programs in translation. The Directorate-General for Translation awards this label to higher education programs that meet jointly agreed professional standards and market requirements.

The selected programs become members of the EMT network. Only universities belonging to the EMT network are entitled to use the EMT label (a registered EU trademark).

A team led by Prof. Dr. Christoph Rösener (Department of General and Applied Linguistics and Translation Technology (ASTT)) prepared the application and submitted the application for the Master's degree course in Translation with a total of four specializations (1. Specialist Interpreting - Social, Medical, Legal, 2. Specialist Translation, Language Management and Artificial Intelligence, 3. Conference Interpreting, 4. Translation - Literature, Media, Culture) in December. The application was approved in June 2024 after a thorough review. For the period 2024-2029, the Master's degree program Translation of the Faculty 06 Translation, Linguistics and Cultural Studies in Germersheim is thus an official member of the "European Master's of Translation" network.

For further information you can visit these sites:

Cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization

WIPO-Logo (Quelle:
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (French: Organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle (OMPI)) was founded in 1967 with the goal of promoting intellectual property rights worldwide. Since 1974, WIPO has also been a sub-organization of the United Nations and administers international treaties in the field of intellectual property.

In a collaboration between ASTT and WIPO, terminological entries for the WIPO Pearl database were developed as part of a university course. These entries were made available on September 27, 2023.

More about the database: The WIPO news article is available here.

The database now contains over 245,000 terms, all of which have been validated by WIPO-PCT language experts. In addition, almost 28,000 terms are linked to other terms within the database and can also be searched on the portal for relations between them.

The updated version contains 440 multilingual terminology entries with over 1,000 terms provided by students from the National University of Córdoba, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Astrakhan State University, Herzen State Pedagogical University, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, University of Manchester, University of Newcastle and Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey after WIPO validation.

An example of a contribution from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz can be viewed here.

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Universität trifft Praxis – der ASTT auf der tekom-Jahrestagung 2018

Vom 13.-15. November 2018 tagt in Stuttgart der deutsche Fachverband für Technische Kommunikation (tekom). Über 4000 Teilnehmer aus aller Welt werden sich in Fachvorträgen und Diskussionsgruppen über die Themen Technische Dokumentation, Fachübersetzungen, Softwarelösungen für die Dokumentationsbranche, Terminologie, Maschinelle Übersetzung usw. austauschen. Im Messebereich können sich die Teilnehmer über Neuheiten, Dienstleistungen und Stellenangebote informieren. Vom Arbeitsbereich ASTT werden Prof. Christoph Rösener, Daniel Zielinski, Carmen Canfora, Ilse Reusch und Juliana Rixen vor Ort sein und die Kontakte mit der Sprachenindustrie ausbauen. Außerdem wird der ASTT den Hochschulstand unterstützen und Informationen über die Ausbildung hochqualifizierter Fachübersetzer anbieten.

Am 14. November wird Carmen Canfora im Rahmen der tekom-Jahrestagung außerdem einen Workshop zum Thema "Übersetzungsrevision in der Praxis" durchführen - dieser Workshop ist bereits ausgebucht.


Interessenten an einem Messebesuch können sich an Ilse Reusch oder Juliana Rixen wenden oder sich unter direkt bei der tekom anmelden.

Janne Bittner (B.A.)

Student research assistant


Charlotte Fischer (B.A.)

Student research assistant


Workshop zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten: #wissenschaftkannich

Keine Angst mehr vor wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten! Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie es richtig machen, welche
Methoden Sie dabei nutzen können und wie Sie typische Fehler vermeiden. Und am Ende können Sie dann sagen: #wissenschaftkannich!


  • Wie finde ich ein Thema für meine Haus- oder Abschlussarbeit?
  • Wie baue ich meine Haus- oder Abschlussarbeit inhaltlich auf?
  • Wie vermeide ich Plagiate und zitiere richtig?
  • Welche Forschungsmethoden gibt es?


  • Carmen Canfora
  • Torsten Dörflinger


Campus Germersheim, Hörsaal 369


Freitag, den 7. Dezember 2018, 09:40-16:10 Uhr
Mittagspause von 12.50 bis 14.30


Interessiert? Dann melden Sie sich einfach bei Juliana Rixen ( unter Angabe Ihres Namens, Ihres Studiengangs sowie Ihres Fachsemesters an.

Janne Bittner (B.A.)

Student research assistant


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